Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law

Welcome to the Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law. The main body of the present work contains over 1500 bibliographical references and 30 main categories, which were drafted so that the bibliography is as easy to use as possible. The categorisation aims not to achieve legal precision, but rather to enable the researchers and users to find the material they are looking for. The Digital Edition will be constantly updated with new bibliographical additions and will remain open to the public and free of charge. For more information the reader is referred to the About section.

All publications sorted by journal and type

Accountancy Cyprus Magazine
Air & Space Law
American Journal of International Law
Alexia Solomou, Case Report on Demopoulos & Others v Turkey (2010) 104 American Journal of International Law 628-636
American Journal of International Law and Policy
Andreas J. Jacovides, Cyprus: The International Law Dimension (1995) 10(4) American Journal of International Law and Policy 1221
American Society of International Law Proceedings
John L. Hargrove, Cyprus: International Law and the Prospects for Settlement (1984) 78 American Society of International Law Proceedings 107-132
David H. Popper, Lessons of United Nations Peace – Keeping in Cyprus (1970) 64 American Society of International Law Proceedings 1 - 9
Amicus Curiae
Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’ Istanbul
Altug Yilmaz, Conflit Chypriote (1980) 27 Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’ Istanbul 375 - 405
Annuaire Français de Droit International
Stefan Talmon, Chypre: Écueil pour la Turquie sur la Voie de l`Europe (2006) 51 Annuaire Français de Droit International 85-119
Maurice Flory, La Partition de Chypre (1985) 30 Annuaire Français de Droit International 177 - 186
Maurice Flory, Force Internationale des Nations Unies et Pacification Interieure de Chypre (1964) 10 Annuaire Français de Droit International 458 - 478
George Tenekides, La Condition Internationale de la Republique de Chypre (1960) 6 Annuaire Français de Droit International 133 - 168
Annuaire International Des Droits De L’ Homme
Costas Paraskeva, The Application of the Pilot Judgments Procedure to the post-Loizidou Cases (2009) 9 Annuaire International Des Droits De L’ Homme 573-588
Αποστόλος Βαρνάβας
Archiv des Öffentlichen Rechts
Pavlos Tzermias, Der Neue Status Cyperns (1959) 84 Archiv des Öffentlichen Rechts 459 - 489.
Αρχείο Εκκλησιαστικού και Κανονικού Δικαίου
Παναγιώτης Γ. Παναγιωτάκος, Το Αυτοκέφαλον της Αγιωτάτης Εκκλησίας της Κύπρου (1959) 14 Αρχείο Εκκλησιαστικού και Κανονικού Δικαίου 13-21
Αρχείο Νομολογίας
Αστυνομικά Χρονικά
Australian Yearbook of International Law
S. Kwaw Nyameke Blay, Self - Determination in Cyprus: The New Dimensions of an Old Conflict (1987) 10 Australian Yearbook of International Law 67-100
Boston College Third World Law Journal
Boston University International Law Journal
British Yearbook of International Law
Loukis Loucaides, The Protection of Human Rights Pending the Settlement of Related Political Issues (1987) 58 British Yearbook of International Law 349 - 359
Business Law Review
Rita Mahdessian, Cyprus: The Offshore Trend. (1984) 5 Business Law Review 222 - 224
Butterworths Journal of International Banking & Financial Law
Loukis Papaphilippou, Cyprus: Tax Agreements (1994) 9(4) Butterworths Journal of International Banking & Financial Law 196-197
Loukis Papaphilippou, Cyprus: International Offshore Trusts - Recent Developments (1992) 7(9) Butterworths Journal of International Banking & Financial Law 436
Andrew Murray, Maritime Cyprus (1991) 6(11) Butterworths Journal of International Banking & Financial Law 566 - 567
Loukis Papaphilippou, Cyprus: Offshore Trusts (1990) 5(9) Butterworths Journal of International Banking & Financial Law 425
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law
Demetra Valianti, Tragedies, Epics and Forced Sales of Mortgaged Land in Cyprus (2006) 21 Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 503-506
Cambridge Law Journal
Andrew Sanger, Property Rights in an Occupied Territory (2011) 70 Cambridge Law Journal 7-9
Yael Ronen, Recognition of Divorce without Recognition of Statehood (2004) 63 Cambridge Law Journal 268 - 271
Canadian Yearbook of International Law
Ronald SJ McDonald, International Law and the Conflict in Cyprus (1981) 19 Canadian Yearbook of International Law 3-49
Chinese Yearbook of International Law
Stefan Talmon, The EU-Turkey Controversy over Cyprus or a Tale of Two Declarations (2006) 5 Chinese Yearbook of International Law 579-616
Χρονικά Λαπήθου
Common Market Law Review
Geert de Baere, Case C420/07, Meletis Apostolides v David Charles Orams (2010) 47 Common Market Law Review 1123-1159
Alexandros Tsadiras, Cyprus Supreme Court: Extradition, Constitutional Law (2007) 44 Common Market Law Review 1515-1528
Communita Internazionale
Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business
Andreas Neocleous, Offshore Trusts: Cyprus [1995] Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business 119-132
Consumer Law Journal
Copyright World
Thomas Keane, Copyright and Copyright Protection in Cyprus (1994) 42 Copyright World 36 - 43
Thomas Keane, Copyright and Copyright Protection in Cyprus (1994) 43 Copyright World 31 - 35
Thomas Keane, The New Copyright Law in Cyprus (1994) 37 Copyright World 31 - 38
Cornell International Law Journal
Corporate Governance
Cyprus Human Rights Law Review
Theodora Christodoulidou, Kafkaris (No. 2) v. Cyprus (No. 9644/09) - 21 June 2010 [2012] 1 Cyprus Human Rights Law Review 111-115
Cyprus Law Review
European Commission of Human Rights Survey Activities 1989 (1989) 28 Cyprus Law Review 4385-4394 [URL]
Andis Pantelides, International Law and the act of state (1986) 14 Cyprus Law Review 2229-2236 [URL]
Summary The right of personality (1986) 13 Cyprus Law Review 2109-2110 [URL]
Mortimer J Staam, A basic needs Approach to teaching about Human Rights (1985) 10 Cyprus Law Review 1651-1659 [URL]
Mortimer J Staam, A Basic Needs Approach to Teaching About Human Rights (1984) 8 Cyprus Law Review 1337-1352 [URL]
Phoebus Clerides, Adoption Law in Cyprus: Time for changes (1984) 7 Cyprus Law Review 1211-1230 [URL]
Erik Harremides, Judicial and extra- Judicial control of Administration (1983) 3 Cyprus Law Review 533-539 [URL]
Andreas Kapardis, Penalty severity scale;A review and English study (1983) 2 Cyprus Law Review 295-308 [URL]
Cyprus Today
Andreas Loizou, Criminal Justice and the Treatment of Offenders (1971) 9(1-2) Cyprus Today 30-39
Julius Josephides, The Judicial System of Cyprus (1971) 9(1-2) Cyprus Today 14-20
Cyprus Today,
Cyprus Yearbook of International Law
Constantinos Lycourgos, The Application of EU Law in Cyprus: Selected Aspects [2012] Cyprus Yearbook of International Law 43-54
Pellet Alain, The British Sovereign Areas [2012] Cyprus Yearbook of International Law 57-72
Cyprus Yearbook of International Relations
Loukis Loucaides, The Legal Support of an Illegal UN Plan by a UN Lawyer [2007] Cyprus Yearbook of International Relations 19 - 64
Δελτίον Επιστημονικού και Φιλολογικού Συλλόγου Αμμοχώστου
Φύτος Ποιητής, Περί Νομικών Συστημάτων Γενικώς και περί Κυπριακού Δικαίου Ειδικώτερον [1966-1967] Δελτίον Επιστημονικού και Φιλολογικού Συλλόγου Αμμοχώστου 169-180
Die Weit des Islams
James Norman Dalrymple Anderson, The Family Law of Turkish Cypriots (1958) 5 Die Weit des Islams 161-187
Διεθνές Δίκαιο και Διεθνής Πολιτική
Δίκαιο και Πολιτική
Δικαιώματα του Ανθρώπου
Droit de l’ Homme
EC TM Association Gazette
Εκκλησιαστικός Κήρυξ
Ελληνική Επιθεώρηση Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαίου