Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law

Welcome to the Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law. The main body of the present work contains over 1500 bibliographical references and 30 main categories, which were drafted so that the bibliography is as easy to use as possible. The categorisation aims not to achieve legal precision, but rather to enable the researchers and users to find the material they are looking for. The Digital Edition will be constantly updated with new bibliographical additions and will remain open to the public and free of charge. For more information the reader is referred to the About section.

All publications sorted by journal and type

European Legal Business
Andreas Neocleous, Cyprus and the New Offshore Jurisdiction Standards (2001) 20 European Legal Business 55 - 57
Andreas Neocleous, Cyprus: Russia - Cyprus (Income and Capital) Tax Treaty (2000) 12 European Legal Business 45-46
Stephanie Laulhe Shaelou, Progress Towards Tax Harmonisation in Cyprus (2000) 13 European Legal Business 49-50
Stephanie Laulhe Shaelou, Cyprus: Offshore Regime [1998] 1 European Legal Business 49
European Legal Forum
European Public Law
European Tax Service
European Taxation
Yiannis Tsangaris, EU Accession and the Cyprus Tax System (2004) 44 European Taxation 107-114
Chrysses Demetriades, Tax Incentives and Exemptions in Cyprus (1977) 17 European Taxation 148-153
Richard Meade, David Robinson and Chris Slaney, Cyprus: Shipping (2006) 356 Fairplay 26 - 35
Fiscalité Européenne
Kypros Chrysostomides, Faire des Affaires à Chypre (1981) 1-2 Fiscalité Européenne 1-32
Foreign Affairs: The Hellenic Edition
Μιχάλης Σταυρινός, Ο Εποικισμός στο Διεθνές Δίκαιο [2013] 16 Foreign Affairs: The Hellenic Edition 28-41
Georg Brunner Collection
German Yearbook of International Law
Max Uebe, Cyprus in the European Union (2003) 46 German Yearbook of International Law 375 - 400
Altug Yilmaz, Cyprus Question (1978) 21 German Yearbook of International Law 311 - 334
Demetrios S. Constantopoulos, Türkische Invasion in Zypern und ihre Völkerrechtlichen Aspecte (1978) 21 German Yearbook of International Law 272 - 310
Global Competition Review
Thomas Keane, Competition Law: Cyprus (2004) 7 Global Competition Review 18 - 21
Global Competition Review May Supp
Anna Rossides, Cyprus [2007] Global Competition Review May Supp 65-68
Global Competition Review Supp
Anna Rossides, Cyprus [2011] Global Competition Review Supp 78-79
Anna Rossides, Cyprus [2008] Global Competition Review Supp 67-70
Andria Andreou and Soteris Flourentzos, Cyprus: Commission for the Protection of Competition (2005) 8 Global Competition Review Supp 37-39
Hellenic Review of International Relations
Van Coufoudakis, Cyprus and the European Convention on Human Rights: The Law and Politics of Cyprus v. Turkey (1980) 1 Hellenic Review of International Relations 327 - 355
Human Rights & UK Practice
Human Rights Quarterly
Il Politica
Indian Yearbook of International Affairs
James Norman Dalrymple Anderson, The Movement towards Codification in Turkey, Cyprus and the Arab World (1958) 7 Indian Yearbook of International Affairs 125-142
Institute of International Relations Panteion University Yearbook
Achilles C. Emilianides, Beyond the Servant State Paradigm: The Cyprus Problem Revisited [2003-2004] Institute of International Relations Panteion University Yearbook 107 - 126
Insurance Institute of Cyprus Journal
Chris P. Clerides, Judicial Reform Gives Birth to Legislative Changes (1983) 7(2) Insurance Institute of Cyprus Journal 4 - 10
A. N. Hartsiotis, Control of the Insurance Agency System under the Insurance Companies Law (1979) 3(1) Insurance Institute of Cyprus Journal 3-5
Eratosthenis Odysseos, Has Law 54/78 Relating to Actions Between Spouses Retrospective Effect? (1979) 3(1) Insurance Institute of Cyprus Journal 6-17
Eratosthenis Odysseos, Loss of Earnings or of Earning Capacity in Running Down Cases (1978) 2(1) Insurance Institute of Cyprus Journal 7-12
Lellos Demetriades, Benefits to Third Persons under Life Policies and Some of their Problems (1977) 1(1) Insurance Institute of Cyprus Journal 14-20
Insurance Instiute of Cyprus Journal
Lellos Demetriades, A Short Note on Assignments of Benefits under Policies (1978) 2(1) Insurance Instiute of Cyprus Journal 5-6
International & Comparative Law Quarterly
Achilles C. Emilianides, (1903-1978), Effect of Marriage on Nationality in Cyprus (1953) 2 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 621 - 627
International and Comparative Law Quarterly
Trevor Hartley, Cyprus Land Rights: Conflict of Laws Meets International Politics (2009) 58 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 1013-1020
Panos Koutrakos, Legal Issues of EC - Cyprus Trade Relations (2003) 52 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 489 - 498
John Theodorides, The United Nations Peace Keeping Force in Cyprus (1982) 31 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 765-783
J.B. Cronin, International Labour Organization Recommendation 119: Job Security in Cyprus (1968) 17 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 760 - 772
Elihu Lauterpacht, European Convention on Human Rights: Suspension of its Application to Cyprus (1956) 6 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 432-434
International Bar Journal
International Business Lawyer
Menelaos Kyprianou, Cyprus as a Venue for the Establishment of a Holding Company (2004) 32 International Business Lawyer 66-69
Elias Neocleous, Cyprus’s Financial Services Firms Law (2004) 32 International Business Lawyer 181-185
Andreas Neocleous, Tax Reforms in Cyprus (2002) 30(7) International Business Lawyer 323-325
Maria Kannava, Cyprus Brings its Trademarks Law up to Date (2001) 29(2) International Business Lawyer 67 - 70
Monica P. Sophocleous, Cyprus Welcomes Article 90 EC (2001) 29(9) International Business Lawyer 424 - 425
Chara Colota, Cyprus: Liberalisation of Foreign Investments (1997) 25(5) International Business Lawyer 235 - 236
Andreas Neocleous and Elias Neocleous, Cyprus: International Trusts Law (1993) 21(3) International Business Lawyer 138-139
Andreas Neocleous, Cyprus: Changes in the Tax System (1991) 19(6) International Business Lawyer 284-285
International Business Lawyer Business Lawyer
Kypros Chrysostomides, Cyprus: New Designs Law (2002) 30(7) International Business Lawyer Business Lawyer 334-335
International Commercial Litigation Supp
Athos Demetriou and Vaso Rousounides, Protecting Copyrights in Cyprus [1996] October International Commercial Litigation Supp 7-8
International Company and Commercial Law Review
Cyprus Shipping-Taxation (2011) 22 International Company and Commercial Law Review Ν4-5
Costas Stamatiou, Cyprus: Taxation-Double Taxation Treaty (2011) 22 International Company and Commercial Law Review N3
Alexandros Tsadiras, Cyprus: Implementation of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (2008) 19 International Company and Commercial Law Review N13 - 17
Alexandros Tsadiras, The Privileged Lawyer – Client Relationship: The Community and Cyprus Outlook (2008) 19 International Company and Commercial Law Review 106 - 110
Elias Neocleous, Alexandros Tsadiras and Marinella Kilkitas, Implementing the Takeover Bids Directives: The Cyprus Perspective (2007) 18 International Company and Commercial Law Review 404 - 408
Panayiotis Neocleous and Costas Stamatiou, Cyprus: Energy, Oil and Gas Industries, Hydrocarbon Resources (2006) 17 International Company and Commercial Law Review N89 - 90
Costas Stamatiou, Cyprus: Shipping. The Marco Polo Programme (2006) 17 International Company and Commercial Law Review N68 - 70
Panayiotis Neocleous and Costas Stamatiou, Legal Aspects of the ISM Code (2006) 17 International Company and Commercial Law Review 215 - 222
Evgenia Dalman, Panayiotis Neocleous and Costas Stamatiou, Cyprus: Company Law, Corporate Governance (2005) 16 International Company and Commercial Law Review N39-43
Panayiotis Neocleous, Costas Stamatiou and Evgenia Dalman, Cyprus: Forum non Conveniens in the European Area (2005) 16 International Company and Commercial Law Review 340-344
George Triantafyllides, Cyprus as an Offshore Centre (1999) 3(12) International Company and Commercial Law Review 420 - 425
Stelios Triantafyllides, Cyprus: Stock Exchange: New Legislation (1993) 4(7) International Company and Commercial Law Review C132 - 133.
International Construction Law Review
Argyris Hadjimiltis, European Public Procurement and Construction: Implementation in Cyprus (2004) 21 International Construction Law Review 197 - 229
International Financial Law Review
Constantinos Adamides, Cyprus Aims to Attract Foreign Funds with Collective Investment Schemes (2000) 19(9) International Financial Law Review 44-46
Andreas Neocleous, Cyprus Set to Lure Investors (1995) 14(8) International Financial Law Review 34-36
International Financial Law Review Supp
Elias Neocleous, Cyprus: International Collective Investment Schemes (1999) 18(10) International Financial Law Review Supp 25 - 27
International Financial Law Review Supp.
Acis Montanios, Cyprus: Shipping (1992) 11(8) International Financial Law Review Supp. 7-11
International Journal of Cultural Property
International Journal of Public Law and Policy
International Maritime Law
Stuart McBride, Package or Unit Limitation under Cyprus Law (1996) 3(5) International Maritime Law 158 - 161
Stuart McBride, The Right of a Shipowner under Cyprus Law to Limit his Liability (1995) 2(4) International Maritime Law 94-100
International Relations
Criton Tornaritis, (1902-1997), The Constitution of Cyprus (1964) 6 International Relations 28-40
Demetrios S. Constantopoulos, The Right of Intervention (1964) 6 International Relations 41 - 47
International Social Security Review
Demetris Pelekanos, Social Security in Cyprus (1976) 29 International Social Security Review 236 - 249
International Tax Report
International Tax Review
Pavlos Aristodemou, Cyprus Modernises Tax Legislation (2004) 15 International Tax Review 41-43
VAT: Cyprus (2004) 15 International Tax Review 63
Andreas Neocleous, Getting into Russia via Cyprus (1997) 8(9) International Tax Review 29-30
International Tax Review Supplement
Andreas Athinodorou and Cleo Papadopoulou, Cyprus [2009] October International Tax Review Supplement 136-149