Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law

Welcome to the Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law. The main body of the present work contains over 1500 bibliographical references and 30 main categories, which were drafted so that the bibliography is as easy to use as possible. The categorisation aims not to achieve legal precision, but rather to enable the researchers and users to find the material they are looking for. The Digital Edition will be constantly updated with new bibliographical additions and will remain open to the public and free of charge. For more information the reader is referred to the About section.

Andreas Loizou
First name(s): Andreas
Last name(s): Loizou

Publications of Andreas Loizou
Andreas Loizou, Political Parties and Trade Unions in Cyprus (2003) 34 Rechtstheorie 39-53
Andreas Loizou, The Effect of the ECHR on the Legal and Political Systems of Member States: Cyprus Robert Blackburn and Jorg Polakiewicz (eds), Fundamental Rights in Europe: The European Convention on Human Rights and its Member States, 1950 - 2000 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001) 217 - 239
Andreas Loizou, Administrative Law: Judicial Control of Government, 10th Commonwealth Law Conference: Conference Papers (Nicosia, 1993) 299-306
Andreas Loizou, Admiralty Law and Practice in Cyprus [1991] 1 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 125 - 136
Andreas Loizou και Ανδρέας Λοΐζου, Το Ευρωπαϊκό δικαστήριο ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων (1991) 35 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 5389-5393 [URL]
Andreas Loizou, Police and Human Rights (1990) 30 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 4611 - 4621 [URL]
Ανδρέας Λοΐζου, Protection of Social and Economic Rights in Europe (1984) 6 Eπιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 1024-1030 [URL]
Ανδρέας Λοΐζου, Το Πραξικόπημα, οι Πραξικοπηματίες και το Δίκαιο Γεώργιος Τενεκίδης και Γιάννος Κρανιδιώτης (επ), Κύπρος: Ιστορία, Προβλήματα και Αγώνες του Λαού της (Εστία, Αθήνα, 1981) 503 - 553.
Andreas Loizou, Criminal Justice and the Treatment of Offenders [1972] 2-3 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 11-13 [URL]
Andreas Loizou, Criminal Justice and the Treatment of Offenders [1972] 3-4 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 7-12 [URL]
Andreas Loizou, Criminal Justice and the Treatment of Offenders [1972] 4-5 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 22-25 [URL]
Andreas Loizou, Criminal Justice and the Treatment of Offenders (1971) 9(1-2) Cyprus Today 30-39