Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law

All publications sorted by journal and type

Leiden Journal of International Law
Loukis Loucaides, The Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the Case of Cyprus v. Turkey (2002) 15 Leiden Journal of International Law 225 - 236
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law
Phoebus Athanassiou, The Orams Case, the Judgments Regulation and Public Policy: An English and European Law Perspective (2009) 16 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 423-448
Managing Intellectual Property
Eleni Chrysostomides, Cyprus Court Packs Paris Punch (1991) 15 Managing Intellectual Property 28-30
Managing Intellectual Property Supp
George P. Cacoyiannis, Protecting Rights in Cyprus (1998) 76 Managing Intellectual Property Supp 7-8
Athos Demetriou and Vaso Rousounides, Updating the Patent Law in Cyprus (1996) 60 Managing Intellectual Property Supp 26-27
Eleni Chrysostomides, Trade Marks in Cyprus (1993) 28 Managing Intellectual Property Supp 31-32
Hermione Markides, Counterfeiting in Cyprus (1992) 17 Managing Intellectual Property Supp 3-4
Maritime Advocate
Michael Papadopoulos, New Era for Cyprus Register [2003] Maritime Advocate 16-17
Jonathan Holloway, Maritime Cyprus (2001) 15 Maritime Advocate 38
Middle Eastern Studies
Kudret Ozersay and Ahmed Sozen, The Annan Plan: State Succession or Continuity (2007) 43 Middle Eastern Studies 125-141
Modern Greek Studies Yearbook
Nicholas Emiliou, The Prohibition of the Use of Force in International Law and the Cyprus Problem (1994-1995) 10-11 Modern Greek Studies Yearbook 171 - 203
Modern Law Review
Νέα Σιών
Νέον Δίκαιον
Νομικό Βήμα
Paneuropean Law Review
Andreas Papacharalambous, Cypriot Election Law for Members of Parliament [1997] 1 Paneuropean Law Review 141-145
Emilios Lemonaris, Developments in Offshore Investment: Cyprus [1997] 1 Paneuropean Law Review 5-15
Politique Etrangère
Spyros Calogeropoulos-Stratis, Le Problème de Chypre (1966) 31(4) Politique Etrangère 344-361
Quaderni di Diritto e Politica Ecclesiastica
Achilles C. Emilianides, Il Finanziamento delle cinque Religioni: Il Caso Cipriota [2006] 1 Quaderni di Diritto e Politica Ecclesiastica 107-123
Andreas Loizou, Political Parties and Trade Unions in Cyprus (2003) 34 Rechtstheorie 39-53
Stefan Kadelbach, The Accession of Cyprus to the European Union (2003) 34 Rechtstheorie 75 - 84
Review of Contemporary Law
Criton Tornaritis, (1902-1997), The Constitutional Problem of Cyprus (1964) 11(1) Review of Contemporary Law 91-107