Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law

Welcome to the Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law. The main body of the present work contains over 1500 bibliographical references and 30 main categories, which were drafted so that the bibliography is as easy to use as possible. The categorisation aims not to achieve legal precision, but rather to enable the researchers and users to find the material they are looking for. The Digital Edition will be constantly updated with new bibliographical additions and will remain open to the public and free of charge. For more information the reader is referred to the About section.

All publications sorted by title

Bruno Cavallo, Study for a Federal Constitution for the Island of Cyprus (1990) 40 Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Publico 212 - 221
Lefkios Tsikkinis, Succession, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 923-962
Andreas Mavrommatis, Succession of States in Respect of Treaties and the Practice Followed by Cyprus [1990] 1 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 117 - 129
Αχιλλεύς K. Αιμιλιανίδης, Σύγκρουση Δικαίων επί Αγγλοκρατίας, Πρακτικά Δ΄ Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου, τομ Γ (Εταιρεία Κυπριακών Σπουδών, Λευκωσία, 2012) 67-77
Summary The right of personality (1986) 13 Cyprus Law Review 2109-2110 [URL]
Ανδρέας Σ. Αγγελίδης, Συνέπεια Ακυρωτικής Απόφασης επί Προαγωγών (1985) 11 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 1781-1784
Λουκής Λουκαΐδης, Συνταγματικά Προβλήματα Προεδρικών Εκλογών (1988) 21 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 3393 - 3400
Λουκής Λουκαΐδης, Συνταγματικά Προβλήματα Προεδρικών Εκλογών, Θέματα Κυπριακού Δικαίου, τομ ΙΙ (Λευκωσία, 1988) 213 - 224
Αλέκος Ευαγγέλου, Σύσταση Εφοριακών Συμβουλίων (1988) 22 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 3545-3548
Κρίτων Τορναρίτης, (1902-1997), Τα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα και οι Παράλληλες Υποχρεώσεις του Ατόμου, Πτυχές Κυπριακού Δικαίου, τομ Β (Ασσέλια, Λευκωσία, 1982) 67-96
Γεώργιος Τενεκίδης, Τα Δικαιώματα του Ανθρώπου και η Κύπρος Στέλιος Περράκης (επ), Ο Γεώργιος Τενεκίδης και η Κύπρος (Α. Σάκκουλας, Αθήνα - Κομοτηνή, 2002) 101-107
Χρήστος Πουργουρίδης, Τα Δικαστήρια Σήμερα [2012] 2 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 74-76
Ανδρέας Καπαρδής, Τα Οικονομικά Εγκλήματα: Μια Γενική Θεώρηση Ανδρέας Καπαρδής, Μαρία Κραμβιά-Καπαρδή και Νέστωρας Κουράκης (επ), Οικονομικά Εγκλήματα στην Κύπρο: Μια Πολυθεματική Προσέγγιση, (Α. Σάκκουλας, Αθήνα-Κομοτηνή, 2001) 15-38
Τα προβλήματα που δημιούργησε η εισβολή (1985) 10 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 1660-1661 [URL]
Σίμος Συμεωνίδης, Τα Ψηφιδωτά της Κανακαριάς. Μια Μικρή Νίκη εναντίον της Παράνομης Εμπορίας Πολιτιστικών Αγαθών, Προστασία και Επιστροφή Πολιτιστικών Αγαθών, , , (Σάκκουλας, Αθήνα-Θεσσαλονίκη, 2011) 56-115
Τα Θέματα του Τύπου και η Πολιτεία (1983) 1 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 35-37 [URL]
Robin White, Tackling Political Disputes through Individual Applications [1998] European Human Rights Law Review 61-72
Marise Cremona and Nikos Skoutaris, Taking Cyprus’ EU Membership into Account: Strict Compliance or Accommodation Andreas Auer and Vasiliki Triga (eds), A Constitutional Convention for Cyprus (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Berlin, 2009) 49-62
Chrysses Demetriades, Tax Incentives and Exemptions in Cyprus (1977) 17 European Taxation 148-153
Andreas Neocleous, Tax Reforms in Cyprus (2002) 30(7) International Business Lawyer 323-325
Andreas Neocleous, Tax Reforms in Cyprus (2002) 4(7) Tax Planning International European Union Focus 10-11
Andreas Neocleous, Marios Kyprianou, Olga Mikhailova and Philippos Aristotelous, Taxation, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 541-574
Γιώργος Κουκούνης, Τηλεοπτική Αναμετάδοση Δίκης [2012] 2 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 156-158
Stefan Kadelbach, The Accession of Cyprus to the European Union (2003) 34 Rechtstheorie 75 - 84
Alfred de Zayas, The Annan Plan and the Implantation of Turkish Settlers in Northern Cyprus [2006] The Cyprus Yearbook of International Relations 163 - 178
Ioannis A. Tassopoulos, The Annan Plan as a Constitution of Transition and the Participation of Cyprus in the European Union Thomas Giegerich (ed), The EU Accession of Cyprus-Key to the Political and Legal Solution of an 'Insoluble' Ethnic Conflict? (Nomos, Baden Baden, 2005) 241-246
Kudret Ozersay and Ahmed Sozen, The Annan Plan: State Succession or Continuity (2007) 43 Middle Eastern Studies 125-141
Christos Ioannides A., The Application for Amendment of Pleadings as Exercised on Rulings of the Courts in Cyprus (1985) 11 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 1785-1791
Constantinos Lycourgos, The Application of EU Law in Cyprus: Selected Aspects [2012] Cyprus Yearbook of International Law 43-54
Costas Paraskeva, The Application of the Pilot Judgments Procedure to the post-Loizidou Cases (2009) 9 Annuaire International Des Droits De L’ Homme 573-588
Costas Paraskeva, The Application of the Pilot Judgments Procedure to the post-Loizidou Cases, Pilot Judgment Procedure in the European Court of Human Rights (Kontrast, Warsaw, 2009) 99-107
Pellet Alain, The British Sovereign Areas [2012] Cyprus Yearbook of International Law 57-72
Achilles C. Emilianides, The Constitution of Cyprus Gerhard Robbers (ed), Encyclopedia of World Constitutions, vol I (Facts on File, New York, 2006) 240-243
Criton Tornaritis, (1902-1997), The Constitution of Cyprus (1964) 6 International Relations 28-40
Criton Tornaritis, (1902-1997), The Constitutional Problem of Cyprus (1964) 11(1) Review of Contemporary Law 91-107
Loukis Loucaides, The Cyprus Problem and Violations of Human Rights by Turkey (1987) 19 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 2939 - 2945
Alecos Markides, The Cyprus Problem as a Legal Problem within Europe (2000) 12 Revue Européenne de Droit Public 1195 - 1214
Stefan Talmon, The Cyprus Question before the European Court of Justice (2001) 12 European Journal of International Law 727 - 750
Lefkos Clerides, The Demands of the Turkish Cypriot Community since 1955 [2012] 3 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 53-66
Andreas Loizou, The Effect of the ECHR on the Legal and Political Systems of Member States: Cyprus Robert Blackburn and Jorg Polakiewicz (eds), Fundamental Rights in Europe: The European Convention on Human Rights and its Member States, 1950 - 2000 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001) 217 - 239
Kypros Chrysostomides, The Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Cyprus [1998] Revue de Droit Uniforme 339 - 350
Christina Hadjidemetriou, The Environment Constantin Stefanou (ed), Cyprus and the EU: The Road to Accession (Ashgate, Aldershot, 2005) 102 - 115
Thomas Giegerich, The EU Accession of Cyprus and the Fate of the Annan Plan Thomas Giegerich (ed), The EU Accession of Cyprus-Key to the Political and Legal Solution of an 'Insoluble' Ethnic Conflict? (Nomos, Baden Baden, 2005) 253-280
Stefan Talmon, The EU-Turkey Controversy over Cyprus or a Tale of Two Declarations (2006) 5 Chinese Yearbook of International Law 579-616
Tassos C. Hadjanastassiou, The European Convention on Human Rights Applicable in Cyprus [1976] 3 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 97-113
Nikos Skoutaris, The European Courts as Political Actors in the Cyprus Conflict Francis Snyder and Imelda Maher (eds), The Evolution of the European Courts: Institutional Change and Continuity (Bruylant, Brussels, 2009) 235-257
Achilles C. Emilianides and Paris Fokaides, The Exploration of Hydrocarbons in Cyprus: Implications, Problems and Perspectives, Power Options for the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Conference Proceedings (Limassol, 2012) POEM12/146: 1-4
Andreas Christoforou, The Factories Law, Cap. 134 (1989) 27 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 4233-4239
James Norman Dalrymple Anderson, The Family Law of Turkish Cypriots (1958) 5 Die Weit des Islams 161-187
Thomas W. Adams, The First Republic of Cyprus: A Review of an Unworkable Constitution (1966) 19 Western Political Quarterly 475-490
Achilles C. Emilianides, (1903-1978), The Freedom of the Worker to Organize in Cyprus, Die Koalitionsfreiheit des Arbeitnehmers/ The Freedom of the Worker to Organize (Berlin - New York, 1980) 1057 - 1069
Achilles C. Emilianides, (1903-1978), The Hellenic Laws of Cyprus and the Hexabiblos of Armenopoulos [1951] Επιστημονική Επετηρίδα Σχολής Νομικών και Οικονομικών Επιστημών Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης 33-38
Criton Tornaritis, (1902-1997), The Human Rights in the Federal System (1987) 19 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 2946 - 2954
Kudret Ozersay, The Idea of a Constitutional Convention for Cyprus and its Inconsistency with the Rules of International Law Andreas Auer and Vasiliki Triga (eds), A Constitutional Convention for Cyprus (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Berlin, 2009) 71-78
Dimitri Constas, The International Dimensions and Functions of a Future Federal Republic of Cyprus (1986) 13 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 2043-2062
Criton Tornaritis, (1902-1997), The Introduction of International Law into the Legal System of Cyprus [1990] 3 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 460-474
Loukis Loucaides, The Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the Case of Cyprus v. Turkey (2002) 15 Leiden Journal of International Law 225 - 236
Julius Josephides, The Judicial System of Cyprus (1971) 9(1-2) Cyprus Today 14-20
Criton Tornaritis, (1902-1997), The Land Consolidation Bill, Constitutional and Legal Problems in the Republic of Cyprus (2 edn, Nicosia, 1972) 79-81