Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law

Welcome to the Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law. The main body of the present work contains over 1500 bibliographical references and 30 main categories, which were drafted so that the bibliography is as easy to use as possible. The categorisation aims not to achieve legal precision, but rather to enable the researchers and users to find the material they are looking for. The Digital Edition will be constantly updated with new bibliographical additions and will remain open to the public and free of charge. For more information the reader is referred to the About section.

All publications sorted by title

George Ladas, Ethical Practice, 10th Commonwealth Law Conference: Conference Papers (Nicosia, 1993) 85 - 90
Yiannis Tsangaris, EU Accession and the Cyprus Tax System (2004) 44 European Taxation 107-114
European Commission of Human Rights Survey Activities 1989 (1989) 28 Cyprus Law Review 4385-4394 [URL]
Elihu Lauterpacht, European Convention on Human Rights: Suspension of its Application to Cyprus (1956) 6 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 432-434
Van Coufoudakis, European Human Rights Law and Turkey’s Violations in the Occupied Areas of Cyprus Aristotle Constantinides and Nicos Zaicos (eds), The Diversity of International Law. Essays in Honour of Professor Kalliopi Koufa (Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden, 2009) 303-318
Argyris Hadjimiltis, European Public Procurement and Construction: Implementation in Cyprus (2004) 21 International Construction Law Review 197 - 229
Costas Stamatiou and Mariorita Neocleous, European Union, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 17-44
Ευθύνη των Δικαστών στην Ελλάδα (1985) 9 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 1501-1517 [URL]
Πελαγίας Γεσίου- Φαλτσή, Ευθύνη των δικαστών στην Ελλάδα (1985) 9 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 1501-1517 [URL]
Πελαγίας Γεσίου- Φαλτσή, Ευθύνη των δικαστών στην Ελλάδα (1985) 10 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 1616-1632 [URL]
Τάκης Ηλιάδης, Εξ Ακοής Μαρτυρία, Corpus de Jure Cyprii, τομ 2 (Συμβούλιο Νομικών Σπουδών, Λευκωσία, 1988) 309 - 410
Τάκης Ηλιάδης, Εξ Ακοής Μαρτυρία (1996) 53 - 56 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 7919 - 7927
Nicos Trimikliniotis, Exceptions, Soft Borders and Free Movement for Workers Paul Minderhoud (ed), Rethinking the Free Movement of Workers: The European Challenges Ahead (Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen, 2009) 135-154
Κρίτων Τορναρίτης, (1902-1997), Εξεταστικαί Επιτροπαί (1983) 2 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 429-430
Λουκής Λουκαΐδης, Εξωγενής Μαρτυρία ως προς την Ιδιότητα Συμβαλλομένου [2013] Επετηρίδα Κυπριακού & Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαίου 281-283
Loukis Loucaides, Expulsion of Settlers from Occupied Territories: The Case of Turkish Settlers, Essays on the Developing Law of Human Rights (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, 1995) 108 - 138
Kypros Chrysostomides, Faire des Affaires à Chypre (1981) 1-2 Fiscalité Européenne 1-32
Anna Demetriou, Christina Hadjiyiorki and Elena Michael, Family Law, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 841-877
Achilles C. Emilianides, Financing of Religions in Cyprus Salvatore Berlingo (επ), The Financing of Religious Communities in the European Union (Peeters, Leuven, 2009) 111-117
Stephanie Laulhe Shaelou, Focus on the Principle of Territorial Exclusion in the EU: the British Bases in Cyprus, A Special Case of Sui Generis Territories in the EU Dimitry Kochenov (ed), EU Law in the Overseas Possessions of the Member States of the European Union (Kluwer, The Hague, 2011) 153-175
Maurice Flory, Force Internationale des Nations Unies et Pacification Interieure de Chypre (1964) 10 Annuaire Français de Droit International 458 - 478
Andreas Neocleous, Foreign Investment, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 243-337
Andreas Neocleous, Elias Neocleous and Eleana Spyris, Franchising, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 635-659
Maria Krambia-Kapardis, Fraud Victimisation of Companies: The Cyprus Experience (2002) 10(2) Journal of Financial Crime 184-191
Marilena Karyolemou, From Linguistic Liberalism to Legal Regulation: The Greek Language in Cyprus (2001) 25(1) Language Problems & Language Planning 25-50
Μύρων Νικολάτος, Φυλάκιση με Αναστολή (1990) 29 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 4565 - 4575
Myron Nicolatos, Φυλάκιση με Αναστολή (1990) 29 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 4565-4575 [URL]
Didier Pfirter, Genesis and Key Elements of the Draft Constitution in the Comprehensive Settlement Plan of the UN Secretary-General for Cyprus Thomas Giegerich (ed), The EU Accession of Cyprus-Key to the Political and Legal Solution of an 'Insoluble' Ethnic Conflict? (Nomos, Baden Baden, 2005) 161-179
Γεώργιος Α. Σεργίδης, Γενικές Υπερασπίσεις στο Κυπριακό Ποινικό Δίκαιο, Η Αναθεώρηση της Νομοθεσίας στην Κύπρο 1987-1992 (Επίτροπος Νομοθεσίας, Λευκωσία, 1992) 124-167
Andreas Neocleous, Getting into Russia via Cyprus (1997) 8(9) International Tax Review 29-30
Λουκής Παπαφιλίππου, Γλώσσα και Δικαιοσύνη, Corpus de Jure Cyprii,, τομ 1 (Συμβούλιο Νομικών Σπουδών, Λευκωσία, 1987) 135-144
Vicky Christoforou, Harmonising Competition and State Aid Rules Constantin Stefanou (ed), Cyprus and the EU: The Road to Accession (Ashgate, Aldershot, 2005) 76 - 101
Anna Marcoulli, Harmonising Cyprus’s Agricultural Sector with the Acquis Communautaire Constantin Stefanou (ed), Cyprus and the EU: The Road to Accession (Ashgate, Aldershot, 2005) 36-53
Alexia Kalispera, Harmonization with the Acquis Relating to EMU and Free Movement of Capital Constantin Stefanou (ed), Cyprus and the EU: The Road to Accession (Ashgate, Aldershot, 2005) 116-134
Nicos Michaelides, Harmonizing Air Transport Constantin Stefanou (ed), Cyprus and the EU: The Road to Accession (Ashgate, Aldershot, 2005) 54-75
Eratosthenis Odysseos, Has Law 54/78 Relating to Actions Between Spouses Retrospective Effect? (1979) 3(1) Insurance Institute of Cyprus Journal 6-17
Nicos Valticos, Human Rights and International Law in Relation to the Questions of the Northern Part of Cyprus and Albania, Human Rights in Occupied Cyprus and Albania (A. Sakkoulas: Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights, Athens, 1990) 13 - 20
Ευάγγελος Βενιζέλος, Ιδιομορφίες της Συνταγματικής Πτυχής του Κυπριακού και Προοπτικές μιας Ομοσπονδιακής Δομής της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας, Το Κυπριακό Ζήτημα, Η Κυπριακή Συνταγματική Τάξη και η Προοπτική Ένταξης στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση (Α. Σάκκουλας, Αθήνα - Κομοτηνή, 2000) 21 - 40
Λουκής Λουκαΐδης, Ιδιωτική Απασχόληση Δημοσίων Υπαλλήλων (1983) 2 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 425-437
Λουκής Λουκαΐδης, Ιδιωτική Απασχόληση Δημοσίων Υπαλλήλων, Θέματα Κυπριακού Δικαίου, τομ ΙΙ (Λευκωσία, 1988) 231-234
Achilles C. Emilianides, Il Finanziamento delle cinque Religioni: Il Caso Cipriota [2006] 1 Quaderni di Diritto e Politica Ecclesiastica 107-123
Achilles C. Emilianides, Immigration and Religion in Cyprus Motilla Augustin (ed), Immigration, National and Regional Laws and Freedom of Religion (Peeters, Leuven, 2012) 27-34
Chrysanthos Christoforou and Christos Vezouvios, Immigration Law and Policy, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 119-135
Ozdemir Ozgur, Implementation of International Human Rights Norms in the Republic of Cyprus: Some Problem Areas, 10th Commonwealth Law Conference: Conference Papers (Nicosia, 1993) 261 - 269
Elias Neocleous, Alexandros Tsadiras and Marinella Kilkitas, Implementing the Takeover Bids Directives: The Cyprus Perspective (2007) 18 International Company and Commercial Law Review 404 - 408
Criton Tornaritis, (1902-1997), Influence of Greek Law on Contemporary Cypriot Institutions Θεόδωρος Παπαδόπουλος and Μενέλαος Χριστοδούλου (eds), Πρακτικά του Πρώτου Διεθνούς Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου, vol Γ (Εταιρεία Κυπριακών Σπουδών, Λευκωσία, 1973) 385 - 393
Achilleas Malliotis, Information Technology and Telecommunications, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3rd edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 1065-1083
Maria Kyriacou, Insolvency, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 179-194
Antonis Glykis and Constantinos Kourides, Insurance, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 575-606
Nicholas Ktenas and Eleana Spyris, Intellectual Property, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 508-540
Alecos Evangelou, Intellectual Property Law [1991] 1 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 142-149
George P. Cacoyiannis, International Commercial Arbitrations in Cyprus (1990) 31 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 4799 - 4808
International Crime.Τhe Turkish Invasion in Cyprus and the Pillage and theft of Cyprus Cultural Heritage (1986) 15 Eπιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 2343-2345 [URL]
J.B. Cronin, International Labour Organization Recommendation 119: Job Security in Cyprus (1968) 17 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 760 - 772
David Wippman, International Law and Ethnic Conflict on Cyprus (1996) 31 Texas International Law Journal 141 - 180
Francis Jacobs, International Law and Human Rights: State Jurisdiction and State Responsibility, International Law Conference on Cyprus (Cyprus Bar Council, Nicosia, 1979) 74-92
International Law and the act of state (1986) 14 Eπιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 2229-2236 [URL]
Andis Pantelides, International Law and the act of state (1986) 14 Cyprus Law Review 2229-2236 [URL]
Ronald SJ McDonald, International Law and the Conflict in Cyprus (1981) 19 Canadian Yearbook of International Law 3-49
Elias Neocleous and Olga Mikhailova, International Tax Aspects of the Cypriot Holding Company (2004) 6 Tax Planning International European Union Focus 3-10
Elias Neocleous and Olga Mikhailova, International Tax Aspects of the Cypriot Holding Company (2005) 20 Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 79 - 87
Achilles C. Emilianides, (1903-1978), Interracial and Interreligious Laws in Cyprus (1958) 11 Revue Hellénique de Droit International 286 - 306
Achilles C. Emilianides, Islamic Faith as One of the Main Religions: The Case of Cyprus, Islam in Europe (Slovak Institute for State - Church Relations, Bratislava, 2005) 34-41
Achilles C. Emilianides, Islamska Viera ako Jedno z Hlavnych Nabozenstiev: Pripad Cypru, Islam in Europe (Slovak Institute for State - Church Relations, Bratislava, 2005) 220 - 228
Ράλλης Γαβριηλίδης, Ιστορική Εξέλιξη της Διαμορφώσεως των Λόγων Διαζυγίου κατά το Κυπριακό Δίκαιο, Οι Λόγοι Διαζυγίου κατά το Ελληνικό και Κυπριακό Δίκαιο (Εκδόσεις Σάκκουλα: Εταιρεία Νομικών Βορείου Ελλάδος, Θεσσαλονίκη, 1993) 47-54
Andreas Auer, Itineraries of an Idea: A Constitutional Convention for Cyprus (2009) 11 Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 359-362
Erik Harremides, Judicial and extra- Judicial control of Administration (1983) 3 Cyprus Law Review 533-539 [URL]
Judicial control of administrative authorities by the French Conseil d'Etat: A general survey (1983) 3 Eπιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 854-862 [URL]
Chris P. Clerides, Judicial Reform Gives Birth to Legislative Changes (1983) 7(2) Insurance Institute of Cyprus Journal 4 - 10