Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law

Thomas Giegerich
First name(s): Thomas
Last name(s): Giegerich

Publications of Thomas Giegerich
Christian Rumpf, Comments on the Legal Status of Cyprus: Issues of Conflict and their Causes Thomas Giegerich (ed), The EU Accession of Cyprus-Key to the Political and Legal Solution of an 'Insoluble' Ethnic Conflict? (Nomos, Baden Baden, 2005) 37-62
Didier Pfirter, Genesis and Key Elements of the Draft Constitution in the Comprehensive Settlement Plan of the UN Secretary-General for Cyprus Thomas Giegerich (ed), The EU Accession of Cyprus-Key to the Political and Legal Solution of an 'Insoluble' Ethnic Conflict? (Nomos, Baden Baden, 2005) 161-179
Ioannis A. Tassopoulos, The Annan Plan as a Constitution of Transition and the Participation of Cyprus in the European Union Thomas Giegerich (ed), The EU Accession of Cyprus-Key to the Political and Legal Solution of an 'Insoluble' Ethnic Conflict? (Nomos, Baden Baden, 2005) 241-246
Thomas Giegerich, The EU Accession of Cyprus and the Fate of the Annan Plan Thomas Giegerich (ed), The EU Accession of Cyprus-Key to the Political and Legal Solution of an 'Insoluble' Ethnic Conflict? (Nomos, Baden Baden, 2005) 253-280