Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law

Welcome to the Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law. The main body of the present work contains over 1500 bibliographical references and 30 main categories, which were drafted so that the bibliography is as easy to use as possible. The categorisation aims not to achieve legal precision, but rather to enable the researchers and users to find the material they are looking for. The Digital Edition will be constantly updated with new bibliographical additions and will remain open to the public and free of charge. For more information the reader is referred to the About section.

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Publications for topic "Tax Law"
Elias Neocleous and Philippos Aristotelous, Cyprus, Private Wealth and Private Client Review (Law Business Review, London, 2013)
Elias Neocleous and Philippos Aristotelous, Cyprus, Tax on Corporate Transactions (Practical Law Company, London, 2011)
Costas Stamatiou, Cyprus: Taxation-Double Taxation Treaty (2011) 22 International Company and Commercial Law Review N3
Elias Neocleous, Lefkios Tsikkinis and Philippos Aristotelous, Cyprus John Rhodes (ed), Private Client Tax: Jurisdictional Comparisons (European Lawyer Reference, London, 2010)
Andreas Neocleous, Marios Kyprianou, Olga Mikhailova and Philippos Aristotelous, Taxation, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 541-574
Andreas Athinodorou and Cleo Papadopoulou, Cyprus [2009] October International Tax Review Supplement 136-149
Theodora Christodoulidou, Free Movements of Private Vehicles within the European Union and Tax Exemption for Temporarily and Permanently Imported Vehicles in Cyprus (2008) 6 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού και Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαίου 568 - 574 [URL]
Κώστας Νικολαΐδης, Ενδοκοινοτικές Συναλλαγές και ΦΠΑ (2007) 4 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού και Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαίου 130 - 143 [URL]
Κώστας Νικολαΐδης, Ο Φόρος Προστιθέμενης Αξίας και οι Δικηγορικές Υπηρεσίες (2006) 2 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού και Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαίου 300-310 [URL]
Elias Neocleous and Olga Mikhailova, International Tax Aspects of the Cypriot Holding Company (2005) 20 Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 79 - 87
Pavlos Aristodemou, Cyprus Modernises Tax Legislation (2004) 15 International Tax Review 41-43
Yiannis Tsangaris, EU Accession and the Cyprus Tax System (2004) 44 European Taxation 107-114
Elias Neocleous and Olga Mikhailova, International Tax Aspects of the Cypriot Holding Company (2004) 6 Tax Planning International European Union Focus 3-10
VAT: Cyprus (2004) 15 International Tax Review 63
Elias Neocleous, Cyprus Tax Reform: Reorganisation Rules and Group Relied Rules (2003) 18 Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 71 - 76
David Bevir, Cyprus: Tax Reforms in Cyprus (2002) 8(9) Trusts & Trustees 4-6
Andreas Neocleous, Tax Reforms in Cyprus (2002) 4(7) Tax Planning International European Union Focus 10-11
Andreas Neocleous, Tax Reforms in Cyprus (2002) 30(7) International Business Lawyer 323-325
Yiannis Tsangaris, VAT: Focus on Cyprus (2002) 13(3) International VAT Monitor 188-194
Andreas Neocleous and Maria Kitromilidou, Changes to the Cypriot Tax System (2001) 19 European Legal Business 93-94
Andreas Neocleous, Cyprus and the EU Effect: Tax and Economic Policy Changes (2001) 3(5) Tax Planning International European Union Focus 3-5
Andreas Neocleous, Cyprus: Russia - Cyprus (Income and Capital) Tax Treaty (2000) 12 European Legal Business 45-46
Stephanie Laulhe Shaelou, Progress Towards Tax Harmonisation in Cyprus (2000) 13 European Legal Business 49-50
Andreas Neocleous, Getting into Russia via Cyprus (1997) 8(9) International Tax Review 29-30
Μιλτιάδης Μιλτιάδους, Αρχές της Διοικητικής Φορολογικής Διαδικασίας (1996) 53-56 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 7999 - 8018
Dolores Savvides, What Makes Cyprus Special in International Tax Planning (1996) 2(8) Trusts & Trustees 17 - 18
Μιλτιάδης Μιλτιάδους, Οι Φορολογικές Αρχές στο Άρθρο 24 του Συντάγματος (1995) 49-50 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 7191-7204
Loukis Papaphilippou, Cyprus: Tax Agreements (1994) 9(4) Butterworths Journal of International Banking & Financial Law 196-197
Achilleas Emilianou, Expatriate Tax Advantages (1993) 43-44 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 6515-6516 [URL]
Andreas Neocleous, Cyprus: Changes in the Tax System (1991) 19(6) International Business Lawyer 284-285
1990 [1987]
Chrysses Demetriades, Minimisation of Tax through Double Tax Treaties David Winter (ed), Eastern Bloc Joint Ventures (Butterworths, London, 1990) 63-76
Αλέκος Ευαγγέλου, Η Επανεξέταση της Φορολογίας (1989) 27 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 4197 - 4200
Kypros Chrysostomides, Taxation of Inheritance and Gifts in Cyprus (1989) 27 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 4179 - 4196 [URL]
Αλέκος Ευαγγέλου, Σύσταση Εφοριακών Συμβουλίων (1988) 22 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 3545-3548
Αλέκος Ευαγγέλου, Προσδιορισμός Φορολογητέου Εισοδήματος (1987) 19 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 3082-3084
Alecos Evangelou, The Taxability of the Benefits in Kind (1987) 20 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 3240 - 3242
Alecos Evangelou, Whether the Costs of Books are Deductible for Income Tax Purposes (1987) 19 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 3080-3082
Chrysses Demetriades, Cyprus Double Tax Treaties: Practical Uses and Tax Planning (1985) 1 Journal of Strategy in International Taxation 288-298
Tatianos G. Tatianos, Trading with Cyprus and Transit Trade (1985) 9 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 1489 - 1493 [URL]
Κώστας Νικολαΐδης, Η Νομική Βάση της Δασμολογητέας Αξίας (1984) 5 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 913 - 918 [URL]
Chrysses Demetriades, Cyprus Tax Advantages and Exemptions (Cypropublico Ltd, Limassol, 1979) 33
Chrysses Demetriades, Tax Incentives and Exemptions in Cyprus (1977) 17 European Taxation 148-153