Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law

Welcome to the Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law. The main body of the present work contains over 1500 bibliographical references and 30 main categories, which were drafted so that the bibliography is as easy to use as possible. The categorisation aims not to achieve legal precision, but rather to enable the researchers and users to find the material they are looking for. The Digital Edition will be constantly updated with new bibliographical additions and will remain open to the public and free of charge. For more information the reader is referred to the About section.

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Publications for topic "Commercial and Financial Law" sorted by title
Χριστάκης Λουκά, Τραπεζική Επιταγή, τομ 1 (2 εκδ, Λεμεσός, 1997 [1987]) 590
Χριστάκης Λουκά, Τραπεζική Επιταγή, τομ ΙΙ (Λεμεσός, 2006) 511
Cyprus Business Law Handbook (5 εκδ, USA International Business Publications, Washington, 2007 [2011]) 300
Andreas Neocleous, Panayiotis Neocleous and Chrysanthos Christoforou, Agency and Distribution, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 607-633
Stephanie Laulhe Shaelou, Aspects Juridiques et Fiscaux de l’ Ile de Chypre (2001) 126 Revue Fiscalité Européenne - Droit Internationale des Affaires 5-9
Ανδρέας Ποιητής Π., Αξιόγραφα (1986) 16 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 2551 - 2574 [URL]
Ανδρέας Ποιητής Π., Αξιόγραφα, Corpus de Jure Cyprii,, τομ 2 (Συμβούλιο Νομικών Σπουδών, Λευκωσία, 1988) 411-443
Panos Lambropoulos, Banking, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 415-451
Sofi Mylona and Coudikou Madella Marion, Cyprus, Commodities and Trade Law 2013 (Global Legal Group, London, 2013)
Marcos Georgiades, Cyprus, Asset Management Review (Law Business Research, London, 2012)
George Z. Georgiou, Georgios Ioannou, Eleni Prodromou και Elena Socratous, Cyprus, The Projects and Constructions Review (Law Business Research, London, 2013)
Elias Neocleous and Despina Panayiotou, Cyprus Dennis Campbell (ed), International Securities Law and Regulation, vol I (Yorkhill Law Publishing, New York, 2007) 231-264
Nancy Erotocritou, Cyprus, Mergers & Acquisitions Review (Law Business Research, London, 2013)
Elias Neocleous, Kyriacos Georgiades and Achilleas Malliotis, Cyprus, A Practitioner’s Guide to Takeovers and Mergers in the European Union (City & Financial Publishing, London, 2008)
Elias Neocleous, Panos Lambropoulos and Philippos Aristotelous, Cyprus Dennis Campbell (ed), International Joint Ventures 2008 (Kluwer, Hague, 2009) 137-155
Kyriacos Georgiades and Katerina Brandyskova, Cyprus, International Secured Transactions (International Legal Studies,, Oxford, 2003 (2011))
Elias Neocleous, Kyriacos Georgiades and Marinella Kilkitas, Cyprus Etay Katz (ed), Financial Services Regulation in Europe (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008)
Elias Neocleous and Stephanos Evangelides, Cyprus, Investment Funds (Practical Law Company, London, 2011)
Elias Neocleous and Lefkios Tsikkinis, Cyprus, Private Client (Practical Law Company, London, 2011)
Elias Neocleous and Maria Kyriacou, Cyprus, Restructuring and Insolvency (Practical Law Company, London, 2011)
Nicholas Ktenas, Cyprus, Global Mobility Handbook 2010 (Saraiva Publisher, Brazil, 2010)
Panayiotis Neocleous, Maria Ioannou Anastasiou, Costas Stamatiou and Christiana Pyrkotou, Cyprus Anthony Colman (ed), International Encyclopedia of International Commercial Litigation (Kluwer, Hague, 2011)
Maria Kyriacou, Cyprus Christopher Mallon (ed), The Restructuring Review (3 edn, Law Business Research, London, 2011) 69-79
Marios Pelides, Cyprus, Mergers & Acquisitions 2011 (Global Legal Group, London, 2011) 83-87
Antria Christoforou and Ebanoidze Nina, Cyprus, Corporate Recovery & Insolvency 2013 (Global Legal Group, London, 2013)
Chryso Pitsilli-Dekatris, Alexandros Georgiades, Anna Rossides and Pavlos Symeonides, Cyprus, Doing Business in (Practical Law Company, London, 2011)
Ioanna Samara, Cyprus Jan Putnis (ed), The Banking Regulation Review (2 edn, Law Business Research, London, 2011) 136-148.
Achilleas Malliotis, Cyprus Stephan Kinsella (ed), Digest of Commercial Laws of the World (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009)
Nicolas Papaconstantinou, Cyprus, The Real Estate Law Review (Law Business Research, London, 2013)
Stelios Triantafyllides and Iacovos Panayi, Cyprus Tim Sanders (ed), The Inward Investment and International Taxation Review (Law Business Research, London, 2011) 83-107
Neophytos Charalambides, Cyprus, E-Commerce 2011 (Getting the Deal Through, London, 2011)
Chrysanthos Christoforou, Cyprus Frank Wright (ed), Doing Business in Europe (Sweet & Maxwell,, London, 2011)
Andreas Neocleous and Panayiotis Neocleous, Cyprus Dennis Campbell (ed), International Agency and Distribution Law, vol I (Yorkhill Law Publishing, New York, 2008) 231-264
Panayiotis Neocleous and Costas Stamatiou, Cyprus, Anti-Corruption Legislation 2013 (Getting the Deal through, London, 2013)
Chrysanthos Christoforou, Cyprus, International Agency and Distribution Handbook (Baker & McKenzie, 2010)
Eleni Neocleous, Christos Vezouvios and Philippos Aristotelous, Cyprus, Private Client (Getting the Deal through, London, 2013)
Maria Kyriacou and Elias Neocleous, Cyprus, Restructuring & Insolvency 2013 (Getting the Deal through, London, 2013)
Constantinos Adamides, Cyprus Aims to Attract Foreign Funds with Collective Investment Schemes (2000) 19(9) International Financial Law Review 44-46
Andreas Neocleous, Cyprus and the New Offshore Jurisdiction Standards (2001) 20 European Legal Business 55 - 57
George Triantafyllides, Cyprus as an Offshore Centre (1999) 3(12) International Company and Commercial Law Review 420 - 425
Andreas Neocleous, Cyprus Set to Lure Investors (1995) 14(8) International Financial Law Review 34-36
Monica P. Sophocleous, Cyprus Welcomes Article 90 EC (2001) 29(9) International Business Lawyer 424 - 425
Sylvia Mina, Cyprus: Banking Regulation - Offshore Banking Units (1997) 13(1) Journal of International Banking Law N4 - 6
Kalia Georgiou, Cyprus: Banking Regulation, Legislation (1997) 12(11) Journal of International Banking Law N193 - 196
Elias Neocleous, Cyprus: Financial Regulation - Collective Investment Schemes (2000) 15(3) Journal of International Banking Law N19 - 21
Alexandros Tsadiras, Cyprus: Implementation of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (2008) 19 International Company and Commercial Law Review N13 - 17
Elias Neocleous, Cyprus: International Collective Investment Schemes (1999) 18(10) International Financial Law Review Supp 25 - 27
Chara Colota, Cyprus: Liberalisation of Foreign Investments (1997) 25(5) International Business Lawyer 235 - 236
Stephanie Laulhe Shaelou, Cyprus: Offshore Regime [1998] 1 European Legal Business 49
Stelios Triantafyllides, Cyprus: Stock Exchange: New Legislation (1993) 4(7) International Company and Commercial Law Review C132 - 133.
Maria Ioannou, Cyprus: Stock Exchanges Listing (2004) 19 Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation N38 – 39
Rita Mahdessian, Cyprus: The Offshore Trend. (1984) 5 Business Law Review 222 - 224
Elias Neocleous, Cyprus’s Financial Services Firms Law (2004) 32 International Business Lawyer 181-185
Emilios Lemonaris, Developments in Offshore Investment: Cyprus [1997] 1 Paneuropean Law Review 5-15
Στάλω Παπαϊωάννου, Διαδικασία Πτωχεύσεων (1991) 34 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 5280 - 5286 [URL]
Achilles C. Emilianides, E - Commerce in Cyprus: A General Overview (2007) 5 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού και Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαίου 347 - 363 [URL]
Νίκος Παυλίδης, Η Ενοποίηση και Αναθεώρηση των Νόμων Συγκάλυψης (2008) 7 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού και Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαίου 23-60 [URL]
Αντώνης Γλυκής, Επιβαρυντικά Διατάγματα σε Αξιόγραφα [1995] 1 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 18-22
Αντώνης Γλυκής, Επιβαρυντικά Διατάγματα σε Αξιόγραφα [2001] 1 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 60-64
Kypros Chrysostomides, Faire des Affaires à Chypre (1981) 1-2 Fiscalité Européenne 1-32
Andreas Neocleous, Foreign Investment, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 243-337
Andreas Neocleous, Elias Neocleous and Eleana Spyris, Franchising, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 635-659
Elias Neocleous, Alexandros Tsadiras and Marinella Kilkitas, Implementing the Takeover Bids Directives: The Cyprus Perspective (2007) 18 International Company and Commercial Law Review 404 - 408
Maria Kyriacou, Insolvency, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 179-194
George P. Cacoyiannis, International Commercial Arbitrations in Cyprus (1990) 31 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 4799 - 4808
Κρίτων Τορναρίτης, (1902-1997), Κράτος και Συγκρότημα ΕΜΕ (1983) 4 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 810 - 811
Panayiotis Neocleous and Costas Stamatiou, Legal Aspects of the ISM Code (2006) 17 International Company and Commercial Law Review 215 - 222
Demosthenes Mavrellis, Legal Environment and Framework Philip Dew (ed), Doing Business with the Republic of Cyprus (Global Market Briefings, 2005) 91-107
Sophie Stylianou, Mergers and Acquisitions from a Cyprus Perspective [2009] May International Tax Review Supplement (Mergers & Acquisitions) 7-12
Kypros Chrysostomides, The Legal and Tax Aspects of Foreign Investments in Cyprus (1979) 32 Revue Hellénique de Droit International 267 - 284
Phoebus Athanassiou, The New Market Abuse Regime in Cyprus: A Critical Review (2006) 21 Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 69-76
Demetra Valianti, Tragedies, Epics and Forced Sales of Mortgaged Land in Cyprus (2006) 21 Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 503-506