Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law

Welcome to the Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law. The main body of the present work contains over 1500 bibliographical references and 30 main categories, which were drafted so that the bibliography is as easy to use as possible. The categorisation aims not to achieve legal precision, but rather to enable the researchers and users to find the material they are looking for. The Digital Edition will be constantly updated with new bibliographical additions and will remain open to the public and free of charge. For more information the reader is referred to the About section.

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  • 68 publications
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Publications for topic "Company Law and Trusts (including Corporate Governance)"
Κύπρος Ιωαννίδης, Άρση Εταιρικού Πέπλου από τα Κυπριακά Δικαστήρια [2013] Επετηρίδα Κυπριακού & Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαίου 211-218
Stella Strati and Angeliki Epaminonda, Cyprus, Corporate Governance (Global Legal Group, London, 2013)
Elias Neocleous, Nicholas Ktenas and Philippos Aristotelous, Cyprus Michael Pearson (ed), International Corporate Law Compendium (Kluwer, Hague, 2011)
Chryso Pitsilli-Dekatris and Stelios Hadjihambis, Cyprus, Corporate Governance 2011 (Global Legal Group, London, 2011)
Yiannos G. Georgiades και Rebecca Howarth Seaberg, Cyprus Willem Calcoen (επ), The Corporate Governance Review (Law Business Research, London, 2011) 66-79
Elias Neocleous, Kyriacos Georgiades, Marinella Kilkitas and Stephanos Evangelides, Corporate Law, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 339-413
Elias Neocleous and Philippos Aristotelous, Cyprus Charles Gothard (ed), The World Trust Survey (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010) 189-202
Elias Neocleous and Philippos Aristotelous, Trusts, Introduction to Cyprus Law (3 edn, Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC, Limassol, 2010) 963-989
Elias Neocleous, Trusts: Cyprus (2010) 16 Trusts & Trustees 128-133
Γιώργος Κουκούνης, Υπέρβαση Εξουσίας από Εταιρεία [2010] 2 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 88-90
Γιώργος Κουκούνης, Υπέρβαση Εξουσίας από Εταιρεία [2009] 3 Κυπριακό Νομικό Βήμα 120-122
Elias Neocleous, Trusts: Cyprus (2007) 13 Trusts & Trustees 360-365
Evgenia Dalman, Panayiotis Neocleous and Costas Stamatiou, Cyprus: Company Law, Corporate Governance (2005) 16 International Company and Commercial Law Review N39-43
Elias Neocleous, Trusts: Cyprus (2005) 11 Trusts & Trustees 67-71
Menelaos Kyprianou, Cyprus as a Venue for the Establishment of a Holding Company (2004) 32 International Business Lawyer 66-69
Elias Neocleous, Trusts: Cyprus (2004) 10 Trusts & Trustees 62-67
Elias Neocleous, Cyprus Trusts and International Companies (2003) 18(7) Journal of International Banking Law and Regulations 293-295
Elias Neocleous and David Bevir, Trusts: Cyprus (2003) 9(4) Trusts & Trustees 13-15
Elias Neocleous, Trusts: Cyprus (2003) 9(6) Trusts & Trustees 53-58
Elias Neocleous, Trusts: Cyprus (2002) 8(6) Trusts & Trustees 33-35
Michaella Tsikinnis, Cyprus: Company - Law Shares (2001) 16(3) Journal of International Banking Law N10-11
Anastasia Papathoma-Baetge, Einführung in das Gesellschaftsrecht von Zypern (2001) 100 Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 471-494
Elias Neocleous, Trusts: Cyprus (2001) 7(6) Trusts & Trustees 35-37
Elias Neocleous, Trusts: Cyprus (2000) 6(6) Trusts & Trustees 34-36
Elias Neocleous, Trusts: Cyprus (1999) 5(6) Trusts & Trustees 32-34
Panikos Tsiallis, Cyprus: Trusts and Double Tax Treaties (1996) 2(7) Trusts & Trustees 15
Thomas Keane, Trusts: Cyprus (1996) 2(2) Trusts & Trustees 18-20
Agni Timothi, Why Choose Cyprus for a Trust? (1996) 2(7) Trusts & Trustees 24
Andreas Neocleous, Offshore Trusts: Cyprus [1995] Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business 119-132
Andreas Neocleous and Elias Neocleous, Cyprus: International Trusts Law (1993) 21(3) International Business Lawyer 138-139
Elias Neocleous, Cyprus International Trusts and Asset Protection Planning (1992) 38 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 5767-5776
Loukis Papaphilippou, Cyprus: International Offshore Trusts - Recent Developments (1992) 7(9) Butterworths Journal of International Banking & Financial Law 436
Μαρία Κυριακού, Εσωτερική Συναλλαγή Μετοχών (1991) 35 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 5433 - 5436
Loukis Papaphilippou, Cyprus: Offshore Trusts (1990) 5(9) Butterworths Journal of International Banking & Financial Law 425
Ανδρέας Νεοκλέους, Cyprus An Ideal Jurisdiction for Trusts (1987) 20 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 3125-3146 [URL]
Andreas Neocleous, Cyprus: An Ideal Jurisdiction for Trusts (1987) 20 Επιθεώρηση Κυπριακού Δικαίου 3125 - 3146