Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law

Nicos Trimikliniotis
First name(s): Nicos
Last name(s): Trimikliniotis

Publications of Nicos Trimikliniotis sorted by title
Nicos Trimikliniotis, Annan V: Rethinking the Viability of the Constitutional Arrangement and its Future Importance Andrekos Varnava and Hubert Faustmann (eds), Reunifying Cyprus: The Annan Plan and Beyond (Tauris, London, 2009) 112-126
Nicos Trimikliniotis, Exceptions, Soft Borders and Free Movement for Workers Paul Minderhoud (ed), Rethinking the Free Movement of Workers: The European Challenges Ahead (Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen, 2009) 135-154
Nicos Trimikliniotis, The Situtation Regarding Free Movement of Workers in Cyprus 2007-2009 Nicos Trimikliniotis (επ), Free Movement of Workers in Cyprus and the EU (PRIO, 2010) 1-68