Digital Bibliography of Cypriot Law

Kudret Ozersay
First name(s): Kudret
Last name(s): Ozersay

Publications of Kudret Ozersay sorted by title
Kudret Ozersay, Legal Foundations. The Validity and Scope of the 1959 – 1960 Cyprus Treaties Resat Arim (ed), Cyprus and International Law (Foreign Policy Institute, Ankara, 2002) 11-60
Kudret Ozersay and Ahmed Sozen, The Annan Plan: State Succession or Continuity (2007) 43 Middle Eastern Studies 125-141
Kudret Ozersay, The Idea of a Constitutional Convention for Cyprus and its Inconsistency with the Rules of International Law Andreas Auer and Vasiliki Triga (eds), A Constitutional Convention for Cyprus (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Berlin, 2009) 71-78